A sustainable
of musicians
in Europe
TO JUNE 2026

Mobility of artists and audience is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions within the cultural sector. So how can we defend the circulation of artists in Europe while reducing our carbon footprint? Better Live is a project led by 11 European partners from the world of jazz and improvised music that will experiment with the sustainable concerts and low-carbon tour

Goal 1: Reducing the carbon footprint of live music events resulting from the mobility of artists and audiences.

Goal 2: Supporting the circulation of international artists and increasing the programming diversity across Europe.

During the next 4 years, the project will develop the data analysis tools, organize trainings for professionals and above all that will experiment with the sustainable concerts and low-carbon tours.

Better Live picture group_©Ada Nieuwendijk (1)
Better Live is a cooperation project between eleven partners that will lay the foundations to foster a fair, ecological, and inclusive transformation through :

15 30
Cultural Actors per territories

Artistic low carbon events

ecological training sessions